Be safe, be happy.
Go premium!

Unlimited SafeViews, Playlists, Contacts and Circles! Unlock your potential and subscribe to SafeShare Premium. First week is FREE!

Meet the newly released Organization Plans! Now you can have multiple people added to the same billing. This is perfect for schools/districts and for teams!

Single person free




Get comfy with Teacher Seats

1 Seat = 1 Premium Account

Quote your organization's needs and get it delivered to you via email.


Get a 15% discount on 12 months or more!

Seats 32
Duration 15 Months
Discount 15%
Total cost $1,123.20 USD
Plus Taxes
Seat/Month $2.34 (USD)

Who uses SafeShare?

Over ten million people trust SafeShare to safely share videos, including over a thousand schools and districts. This is not only in the US, but worldwide!

How does Organization pricing work?

On Organization Plans, we have tiered discounts in place. Once you hit the number of users we'll automatically apply the next tier. For example, if you have a team of 4 people and add 10 more, the pricing will be adjusted to $3.49/month or $34.99/year (per team member). The same logic applies for downgrades.

How does the Free Trial work?

Free 7-day Trial is only available on Single Premium Plan, not on Organizations. For a week, we will give you unrestricted access to all Premium features. Upon subscribing, you will be asked to enter billing information. You will not be charged until the Free Trial expires.

Which payment methods do you accept?

We accept PayPal, all Major Credit Cards, Amazon Pay, Wire Transfers and Purchase Orders.

Can I change or cancel my plan at any time?

Yes, your plan can be cancelled anytime by going to the "Subscription" tab within your Personal area. There is no minimum contract and you can subscribe for as little as a month. For plan changes, please contact support.

I need a W-9 Form. Where can I get it?

SafeShare subscriptions are sold and fulfilled by FastSpring, an authorized reseller. Their W-9 Form can be accessed here..